Create your own legacy

so your experiences, memories and thoughts
are not forgotten and useful...

... for yourself, your family/friends or customers.

To interact with you...
To speak with...
To learn from you...

To MeetYou.

Build your entity

  • Record your stories and experiences

  • MeetYou extracts and structures the data

  • It creates a model with your knowledge

Discover ENTITY

Enrich it and make it grow

  • More than 150 data sources available

  • Everything your entity learns is modular and configurable

  • The way you express yourself, the way you write, the way you speak and the way you think

Discover ENTITY+

And now the best part, MeetYou!

Interact with You
  • create interactions for you or the people of your choice

  • through chat, voice or even video

  • monetize these interactions

Model You
  • give them your appearance thanks to 3D cloning

  • make it speak like you (with your tone, your rhythm, your pitch and much more)

Improve You
  • your entity can evolve with the memory effect to make it more realistic

  • apply extra knowledge among thousands of courses and degrees

Shape You
  • deactivate, reset or delete any "module" of your entity

  • simulate the interaction with your entity at any past date

More You
  • links your entity to other entities to create collective intelligence

  • generate multi-entity models that interact with others

Discover YOU

This is for

Discover real cases of people like you who have already used MeetYou

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And don't worry about privacy because...

We ❤️ privacy